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B Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-087 is to be contained within its current location, sealed off from all access points. Entry into SCP-087 is strictly forbidden without prior authorization from Level 4 personnel. Any attempts to breach containment are to be met with lethal force. Personnel assigned to SCP-087 must undergo regular psychological evaluations and receive counselling as needed.
Description: SCP-087 is an anomalous staircase located within a nondescript building. The staircase descends into darkness with no visible end in sight. The structure appears to defy conventional architectural principles, as measurements of its depth exceed the dimensions of the building in which it is contained. Witnesses report feeling an irresistible compulsion to descend the staircase, driven by an unseen force that (REDACTED).

Those who enter into SCP-087 experience a series of increasingly disturbing phenomena. Auditory and visual hallucinations plague explorers, manifesting as (REDACTED) just beyond the edge of perception. Some have reported encountering apparitions of loved ones, twisted and contorted into grotesque parodies of their former selves.

As individuals descend further into SCP-087, they become increasingly disoriented and paranoid, their sense of time and space warped by the malevolent influence emanating from the depths. Many who enter never return. The anomaly's origins and purpose are unknown, and attempts to explore its depths have (REDACTED). 


 Microphone Highly Suggested.

 Video Highly Encouraged. 

Headphones / Surround Sound Required.

 Ending is between 150-200.

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SCP087B - Secure Crawl Protect V 1.2.zip 33 MB


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SCP-087 is a creepy indie horror game where you go down an endless, spooky staircase. The atmosphere is really tense, with changing environments and eerie sounds. The game includes a sanity mechanic that makes you feel more paranoid the further you go, and the story adds extra intrigue. SCP-087 is sure to captivate and scare fans of horror and SCP lore. Don't forget to be on alert for what is behind you.

That person in the Youtube video looks pretty handsom

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